This Christmas, nodi has prepared a hamper containing an array of items, in the hopes of sharing our sincerity with everyone:
- nodi x Loveramics limited edition coffee tasting cup | nodi x Loveramics 限量版咖啡tasting cup
- nodi Christmas special fruity filter light roast coffee beans (100g) | nodi聖誕限定special fruity blend 淺烘咖啡豆(100g)
- nodi x Mezzanine Makers' new canned Pineapple Coffee Soda | nodi x 閣樓釀造 全新罐裝菠蘿咖啡梳打
- nodi limited edition keychain | nodi期間限定鎖匙扣
- Two flavors of holiday cookies - blueberry green tea and red velvet raspberry pistachio (2 pieces per flavor) | 兩款口味節日曲奇-藍莓綠茶味 及 絲絨紅莓開心果脆脆(每款口味2件)(expiry date 1st jan 2025)
nodi house blend special holiday packaged drip bags x 3pcs | nodi house blend 特別節日包裝掛耳包 x 3pcs
Last min promotion - Buy 5 Get 1 Free!
Orders with 5 or more Christmas hampers, we will add one more automatically to your shipment! Enjoy!