date 日期:
22nd mar 2025 (sat)
29th mar 2025 (sat)
5th apr 2025 (sat)
12nd apr 2025 (sat)
19th apr 2025 (sat)
26th apr 2025 (sat)
session 時段:
A (10am - 11:30am)
B (1pm - 2:30pm)
venue 地點:
nodi (AIA Central) (5pax per session 每節最多5位)
nodi (Taikoo Shing) (5pax per session 每節最多5位)
nodi (Yoho Mall I) (8pax per session 每節最多8位)
1. no prior experience is required in order to participate in the workshop - all you need is your imagination. Relax and let your ideas run wild! 參加工作坊無需任何先前經驗,只需發揮你的想像力。放鬆心情,讓你的創意自由發揮!
2. the workshop schedule 拉花課程內容:
。Explain the basic theory of coffee 講解咖啡基礎理論知識
。Understand the process of espresso extraction 了解濃縮咖啡萃取流程
。Demonstrate and practice Italian coffee milk frothing techniques示範及練習意式咖啡打奶技巧
。Master the art of latte art 拉花技巧訣竅掌握
。Instruct on basic latte art patterns 教導基礎拉花圖案
3. what you can bring home:
- surprise gift from nodi 由nodi送出神秘禮物一份
- an experience and technique for life 拉花技術及美好回憶
participating in the workshop 參加者須知:
enrollment fee 參加費用: HK$ 398 / per head
- language 授課語言: Cantonese (廣東話)
- fees include 費用包括: all tools and materials required to finish your art piece
Age requirement 年紀限制: Only aged 18 or above are allowed to participate. 只接受18歲或以上人士參加
a minimum number of participants is required for the workshop to proceed. nodi will confirm with participants 7 days prior to the workshop. If the number of participants does not meet the minimum requirement, nodi will assist in rescheduling the signed-up participants to another workshop date. 工作坊參與人數需要達最低人數才可開班,nodi會於工作坊開始前7日跟客人再確認,如已報名工作坊達最低開班人數,nodi會通知客人並幫助客人改到其他日期的工作坊。
nodi Central AIA - min. 2 pax
nodi Taikoo Shing - min. 2 pax
nodi Yoho Mall I - min. 4 pax
Kindly include your phone number in your order for the workshop confirmation.
Guests should arrive 5 mins before, there will not be any compensation for late arrivals.
條款及約束細則 Terms & conditions
- 1. 活動簡介只供參考。Activity description is for reference only.
- 2. 遲到、缺席或提早離場不設補時及退款。No refund / Make-up session for any late, absence or early leave.
- 3. 因天氣、安全或其他原因,nodi有權更改活動之開放時間、暫停或停止活動進行。nodi may, change the operating hours of Activity therein, close the same or temporarily, or suspend the operation for weather, safety, or any other reason.
- 4. nodi將保留最終決定權 nodi reserves the rights of final decision in any case of disputes.